PZombies in Brisbane! 30 May 200818 Sep 2017 So we managed to attract 5 local PZombies (Craig, you are in trouble for not turning up!) on a wet Brisbane night. We had some interesting discussions (which I fear means that others listened to me nonstop) over beer. It’s nice to know that those of us who are in thrall to our cephalod overlords are not alone in our struggle to conquer the world and make it safe for molluscs. But to show the superiority of cephalopods over chordates, watch this: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=862SXns6v2k&hl=en] Administrative Evolution Humor
Evolution A blog recommendation 7 Mar 2009 Archetype is a blog on stuff I like, including taxonomy and entomology. It’s by Roberto Keller, a graduate of AMNH and Cornell. Go check it out. Some nice stuff on homologies in insects. Read More
Evolution Evolution Quote 13 Jul 2010 Q. Speaking of islands, when an apelike fossil was discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003, a great controversy broke out among anthropologists. Some said this three-foot tall small- brained creature was a new species of hominid — a humanlike primate. Others claimed it was an early human… Read More
Evolution Awww. how cute 7 Jun 2009 Hare Krishna devotees trying to talk about Darwin. Igos, ha! Read More
Hey! Where does this narrator get off calling it a “mere invertebrate”?!?! Especially after it demonstrated its clear superiority to a backboned bully.
Hey! Where does this narrator get off calling it a “mere invertebrate”?!?! Especially after it demonstrated its clear superiority to a backboned bully.
“No animals were harmed in the making of this … Oh Bugger!” After watching that, I’ll happily cede 70% of the earth’s surface to the cephalopods.
“No animals were harmed in the making of this … Oh Bugger!” After watching that, I’ll happily cede 70% of the earth’s surface to the cephalopods.
“No animals were harmed in the making of this … Oh Bugger!” After watching that, I’ll happily cede 70% of the earth’s surface to the cephalopods.
“No animals were harmed in the making of this … Oh Bugger!” After watching that, I’ll happily cede 70% of the earth’s surface to the cephalopods.
Sorry – got called on to be the responsible parent at last minute, and didn’t have time to call. Will be there next time!!!!!
The cephalochordates demand equal time. (Or have they been legislated out of existence? It’s hard to keep up with the fast-breaking field of taxonomy.)
“im in ur aquarium, pwnzin ur sharks… another shark will die each day until you put me back in with my ceph crew, mofos!” But I think my all-time favorite octopus video is the one where they first caught on in the act of climbing out of its new tank and crawling across the lab floor to get back to its old tank. Smart buggers who know what they want! “PZombies” =LOL=
“im in ur aquarium, pwnzin ur sharks… another shark will die each day until you put me back in with my ceph crew, mofos!” But I think my all-time favorite octopus video is the one where they first caught on in the act of climbing out of its new tank and crawling across the lab floor to get back to its old tank. Smart buggers who know what they want! “PZombies” =LOL=