Knit Darwin’s tree 27 Sep 200818 Sep 2017 If any of my readers are good knitters, check this out: The pattern, not the girl. Preverts! Hat tip: Colin Purrington Evolution Humor
Administrative Happenings 21 Jan 2008 So, I just found out that I’m teaching this semester, which is a comfort (money will come in, and we can eat) and a pain (I am going to Arizona in March, so we will have to sort out some guest lectures or something). The subject is philosophy of the… Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity Microbial species: some papers 22 Sep 200718 Sep 2017 One of the things I have previously discussed (see the “Best of ET” tab) is microbial species concepts. Two new papers have come out on this, and it seems to be a hot research topic right now. Read More
Ecology and Biodiversity The first use of a taxonomic tree 10 Apr 2009 Older histories of biology are often full of useful and interesting facts. One of my all-time favourites is Eric Nordenskiöld’s history, but I came across an earlier one by Louis Compton Miall in which I found this text: Bonnet in 1745 traced the scale of nature in fuller detail than… Read More
My audience are all old farts, in virtue of liking my blog. Hence it’s just gross to look at… err.. look at …. Look, I’m a bit distracted right now, OK?
My audience are all old farts, in virtue of liking my blog. Hence it’s just gross to look at… err.. look at …. Look, I’m a bit distracted right now, OK?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Colonel, Colonel, I must know what you think has been going on here. Col. “Bat” Guano: You wanna know what I think? Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Yes. Col. “Bat” Guano: I think you’re some kind of deviated prevert. I think General Ripper found out about your prevertion, and you were organizing some kind of mutiny of preverts.
but it doesn’t have “I think” scrawled on it anywhere… that’s the most endearing thing about that first tree
From digging around her blog, the tattoo seems to be Charles D. — but it is a temporary. It does look good though (as does she).
Talk about a sucker punch! If you really wanted us to focus on the pattern, you could’ve just photoshop-cropped that section. Preverts indeed.
Antiquated Tory (isn’t that an oxymoron?) wrote: “Knitted SHORTS?!?!?!” I’d eat those shorts if she was wearing them!
Antiquated Tory (isn’t that an oxymoron?) wrote: “Knitted SHORTS?!?!?!” I’d eat those shorts if she was wearing them!
I suspect my knitting girlfriend will have the same reaction as Tory’s wife (you’re too late now, AT, but the correct counter-argument involves the keeping of anatomy warm). Anyway, John, who are you calling old?
My knitting wife’s reaction to those was, “Ok, let me work out how many balls of yarn that will take, and you pick the color.” I married well. 🙂