Censorship On censorship 10 Nov 200818 Sep 2017 The internet filtering debacle raises some more general issues I have with my nation’s governments’ tendency to censor ideas it doesn’t like. Sure, there’s the “Won’t somebody think of the children” justification, which is a Good Intention (suitable for paving roads), but surely the best bet is to go for… Continue Reading
Censorship Internet filter pwn 10 Nov 2008 Read this article by Mark Newton. This gets murkier and sillier by the day. Late addition: From the comments at the linked site: As a young person ( 22 ) who has been brought up on the internet and as a ALP member myself working for a Labor State Govt…. Continue Reading
Censorship Bits and pieces 5 Nov 20084 Oct 2017 Hmmm… cool name for a song. Anyway, here are a few things that caught my eye while I was trying to ignore some politics. Continue Reading
Education Dibs and dobs 28 Oct 2008 One of the downsides to being old is that your favourite teachers die. I learned most of what I know about the Empiricists, in particular John Locke, from a book by C. B. Martin, who passed away recently. Hat tip to Leiter. I didn’t know he spent so much time… Continue Reading
Censorship More developments on internet filtering: the religious connection 28 Oct 20084 Oct 2017 As I feared, the internet filtering issue has now been taken up by special interests. The conservative Christian political party Family First, run largely by the Hillsong evangelical denomination, has one senator, but the balance of power is so tight they wield disproportionate power, and as PM Kevin Rudd and… Continue Reading
Censorship Never piss off the sysadmin 27 Oct 200818 Sep 2017 Users, or Lusers as they are known, learn early not to piss off the sysadmin, who is God. Federal minister Stephen Conroy’s ham-fisted attempt to gag critics of his stupid paternalistic and ultimately failure-ridden net filter scheme has managed to piss off the whole lot of them. This could be… Continue Reading
Censorship I told you so 24 Oct 2008 I told you so 1: High cost of internet filtering and controls stricter than Iran’s, oh and critics bullied. I told you so 2: Terrorism laws unsafe, court rejects charge of breaking laws that did not exist when the “crime” was done Continue Reading
Censorship Stupid internet filtering sucks even more 18 Oct 200818 Sep 2017 The Labor plan to interrupt Australian internet access, which I have previously excoriated, has been, as I feared, extended. Electronic Frontiers Australia reports that the government has a second, secret, list that even opting out doesn’t free you of. So the technical overhead is still there and there’s no control… Continue Reading
Censorship Australia to impose “opt-out” filtering 2 Jan 2008 I’m going to have to start a “freedom watch” thread, I can see. Australia, under the ALP government, is to impose an “opt-out” internet filtering system on all lSPs, leading to the question asked by IT-Wire: what happens if I do opt out? Will I be listed somewhere as a… Continue Reading