Humor Oops! 14 Dec 200818 Sep 2017 I think maybe they’ve taken filtering a bit too far this time… Continue Reading
Censorship No shit! 14 Dec 2008 Here’s an article, by MSN no less, that explains the problems with broad filtering. A fellow named Herman Libshitz can’t get an email account from Verizon because his name contains “shit”. Residents of Scunthorpe in the UK apparently have similar problems. God only knows what the residents of Testiclebreastpenisvaginaville can… Continue Reading
Censorship New Australian censorship stuff 11 Dec 2008 At the other blog here and here , the latter a plea for a Human Rights Act. Continue Reading
Censorship ISP filtering for Americans too? 8 Dec 2008 So it looks like Australia won’t be the sole idiot child of the Internet. FCC chair Kevin Martin wants… you guessed… an “opt out” smut filter at the ISP. In your face American First Amendment! All you smug Mericans, wipe of that goofy smile, now, OK? Continue Reading
Censorship More on ISP filtering 6 Dec 2008 At my other blog here. Also see Ars Technica: Here’s an idea: if the Australian government actually finds child porn, nuclear bomb making manuals, and the like on the Internet, why not do their best to find the perpetrators and put them behind bars? That way we get to keep… Continue Reading
Administrative Another antipodean philosopher’s blog 3 Dec 2008 Note the careful ambiguity there: this is not a blog of another antipodean philosopher, but another blog of this antipodean philosopher. The ins and outs of Australian politics and policies are not of interest to much more than 0.3% of the world, so my asseverations are even less interesting to… Continue Reading
Censorship The Policy policy, and a Bill of Rights 3 Dec 2008 When my kids were in school, I noticed an interesting phenomenon that went something like this: Headmaster: No, your kids can’t be being bullied. We have a policy against bullying. I came to call this the “Policy policy”: so long as there’s a Policy in place for some longstanding problem,… Continue Reading
Censorship Some more on ISP filtering, and a rant on censorship in Australia 27 Nov 20084 Oct 2017 The Greens (who I am considering joining, despite their unreasonable opposition to nuclear power) have said they will oppose the “clean feed” proposal in the Senate, so unless the Coalition decides it is a good idea after all, or put it to a conscience vote (because let’s face it, a… Continue Reading
Censorship GetUp! gets up with ISP Filtering 26 Nov 2008 GetUp! is an excellent organisation that has been attacking the draconian laws of the “war” on terror, antigay laws, and so on. They now have a petition against ISP filtering. Go for it… Hat tip Samuel Douglas Continue Reading
Censorship More on clean feed opposition 24 Nov 2008 At last the MSM seem to be picking it up. A Perth newsmagazine has reported it unfavourably (although are Xenophon and Fielding really waiting for the results, given they are major motivators of the idea?), and an online opinion site suggests that the ultimate source of this stupidity is Clive… Continue Reading