Bits and pieces 5 Nov 20084 Oct 2017 Hmmm… cool name for a song. Anyway, here are a few things that caught my eye while I was trying to ignore some politics. The Internet filtering debacle has reached the pages of Nature. With luck this will blow up in Conroy’s face. It really does look like this was pandering to the religious right here in Australia. Siris has one of his usual erudite and evocative pieces, this time on herbs (i.e., drugs) making people beasts in classical sources. I wonder if the notion that drugs take us upward rather than downward was an invention of the moderns? David White argues that intelligent design restricts God’s sovereignty over chance, which is an… odd… take on the matter. Chris Nedin has a great piece on the evolution of the Ediacaran fauna at, you guessed, Ediacaran. Cognition and Culture links to and discusses a paper that I really ought to do more on, but can’t, in which they argue that humans are not, contrary to the received view taught to generations of philosophy of mind students, substance dualists by nature. I have thought this ever since I discovered that most of the Old Testament prophets were materialists with respect to human beings. Ether Wave has a nice guest article by Michael Gordin on the biographies of Mendeleev. I count him as the founder of etiological classification in physics. A new article in Nature by researchers from my current employer have found that Wolbachia infection (an intracellular parasite that often causes sterility of insect and arachnids with uninfected conspecifics) can confer resistance to RNA viral infections. Censorship Creationism and Intelligent Design Evolution General Science History Internet filtering Politics Technology
Biology The false analogy between species and art 26 Jan 201118 Sep 2017 Biological topics are used widely in philosophy to illustrate arcane and recondite philosophical topics,and one of the most widely used, and most abused, are species as examples of natural kinds. Kangaroos, swans, tigers, lions, cats, and of course humans are all brought in to assist our intuitions. As Umberto Eco… Read More
Evolution William Smellie on the great chain of being 2 Mar 2009 William Smellie wrote The Philosophy of Natural History in 1791, and it remained in print for over a century. It’s a lovely and explicit expression of the Great Chain of Being view that all things grade insensibly from simple to perfect, and all classifications are arbitrary. This was effectively the… Read More
Biology Quorum sensing in bacteria and cooperation 26 Aug 2009 Byte Size Biology has a post up discussing a recent paper on quorum sensing in bacteria, a process whereby the chemical signals for a community of microbial organisms can modify the dynamics of the organisms themselves. It’s interesting in its own right, but also to show how cooperation can evolve… Read More
“Cool name for a song” Can’t resist… Are you joking (an as old as I am)?