Species and speciation/classification Relating speciation* Speciation genes* Speciation conclusion* Speciation of invaders by natural selection* Botany gets a “C” for species* The essence of a species* When is a species worth conserving?* On microbial species 1 Microbial species 2: recombination Microbial species 3: Quasispecies and ecology* Microbial species 4: degrees of sex Microbial species 5: A new beginning, followed by a Postlude The reciprocal illumination of palaeontology and molecular systematics A list of 26 species “concepts” Against units in biology Species Darwin on species 1 Darwin on species 2 Darwin on species 3 Allopatry and Sympatry Linnaeus’ tercentenary and species Happy Birthday Linnaeus Linnaeus on species The mystery of mysteries – early naturalistic views of species origins Types, tokens, genera and species “Species in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Are species theoretical objects? Theories of speciation