Aut lupus, aut deus 12 Nov 2008 So wrote the renaissance humanist, Erasmus of Rotterdam: Man is to man either a god or a wolf. Here, courtesy of Leiter, is an article in The Telegraph, in which philosopher Mark Rowlands describes his life with a wolf, and how he ended up learning, as he puts it, how to be a human from the wolf. Few animals are as similar in their social behaviour to humans as wolves. The domesticated dog is subordinated to human breeding goals, but the wild wolf is itself – a pack animal with dominance psychology, capable of identifying intentions in other agents, of exploring, teaching and playing. And by evolutionary convergence, it is like humans in many respects. Not identical, of course; we have a lot of cognitive and psychological faculties wolves and their kin do not, but the similarity is what enabled us to domesticate them in the first place, and arguably they domesticated us back. For a canine in human care, the human social unit, whether a family, a police squad, or a farm, is its pack. Like Lorenz’s ducklings that imprinted on him at birth, we take cubs as soon as we can and imprint them on us. And they behave in ways we find agreeable in our social context… mostly. I once knew a family in which one of two spoiled wirehaired terriers killed a six month baby. The story was tragic and old – the dog, seeing the deference the baby was receiving from the rest of the family, challenged it the way a wolf would – by biting. Being a baby, the child was killed. [The idiot media and the moron who headed the local RSPCA blamed the parents and accused them of hiding their murder by making it look like the dog did it. I have hated the media ever since I spent six months trying to counsel two teenage half-sibs of that baby in my youth group from committing suicide. The parents belatedly won a lawsuit and a half-arsed apology on page 45.] Evolutionarily, canines are some distance from us. Inferences of their behaviour based on our motivations are misleading. They are similar but not the same, and we must always remember that. We have more direct insight into a chimp’s behaviour than into a dog’s, and even less into a cat’s. We might be more familiar with them, but that is a matter of happenstance. Their similarity is based on a limited convergence of social structure, nothing more. Evolution Species and systematics
Ecology and Biodiversity 50 words for snow 4: what counts as sociocultural? 3 Oct 20171 Mar 2019 Series Conceptual confusion The economics of cultural categories What are phenomena? What counts as sociocultural? Species Constructing phenomena Explanations and phenomena Jim Harrison made the following comment on the last post: … I have trouble understanding how you distinguish the s and the c in your pseudo equation. You mention… Read More
Evolution On the problem of the problem of evil and Darwin 15 Mar 2011 In yet another essay reprising his argument that theists can be good Darwinians (a position I concur with, incidentally), Michael Ruse makes the following comment, based on a book by Karl Giberson and Francis Collins, The Language of Science and Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions: Where I do want… Read More
Evolution Cultural evolution essay 6 Jul 2010 At On The Human there’s an essay by Bill Benzon, a friend and colleague of mine, on cultural evolution: “Cultural Evolution: A Vehicle For Cooperative Interaction Between The Sciences And The Humanities”. It’s open to informed and moderated comments in what they cutely call a Sympoze. One of the comments… Read More
I was partly reared by dog. I learned to walk with help of our dog and my smell sense is still exceptional (Many times family asked me to smell gases in hall and fungues in bread etc). But it seems that many of my relatives are dog fans, too. I wonder if dogs have domesticated or dog-addicted/-hardwired some of human ancestry lines too ? Can we say that dogs are atheists? They sense ID’s and intentions but don’t know and so don’t believe in christian God 😉
…and even less into a cat’s. In the immortal words of Priscilla, “Speak for yourself, John.” Cat psychology is pretty straightforward to some of us. Humans and cats have domesticated each other, too, and in many cases the modern domestic cat has adapted its entire cognition to the successful manipulation of humans.
…and even less into a cat’s. In the immortal words of Priscilla, “Speak for yourself, John.” Cat psychology is pretty straightforward to some of us. Humans and cats have domesticated each other, too, and in many cases the modern domestic cat has adapted its entire cognition to the successful manipulation of humans.
…and even less into a cat’s. In the immortal words of Priscilla, “Speak for yourself, John.” Cat psychology is pretty straightforward to some of us. Humans and cats have domesticated each other, too, and in many cases the modern domestic cat has adapted its entire cognition to the successful manipulation of humans.
…and even less into a cat’s. In the immortal words of Priscilla, “Speak for yourself, John.” Cat psychology is pretty straightforward to some of us. Humans and cats have domesticated each other, too, and in many cases the modern domestic cat has adapted its entire cognition to the successful manipulation of humans.
At which point I must draw your attention to something else. See this post… Well we would if your f’ing link worked…
Has anyone ever seen a wolf with markings like those of the animal in the picture? It may be a dog-wolf “hybrid” or it may just be a dog with no recent wolf ancestry.
Has anyone ever seen a wolf with markings like those of the animal in the picture? It may be a dog-wolf “hybrid” or it may just be a dog with no recent wolf ancestry.
Has anyone ever seen a wolf with markings like those of the animal in the picture? It may be a dog-wolf “hybrid” or it may just be a dog with no recent wolf ancestry.