Are you a HPS scholar? 30 Apr 2011 If so I invite you to join our group blog Whewell’s Ghost, even if you already blog. You can either write for WG directly or repost some or all of your blog’s posts with alink back to your home blog, thereby increasing your readership. Contact me or the other WG admin folk. Everyone from undergraduate to professor… Administrative History Philosophy Science AdministrativeHistoryPhilosophy
Philosophy My Absent Career 5: Two Davids 9 Dec 20221 Jan 2023 Sometime around 1994, I was finishing my computing diploma and got access to a unix terminal. Typing various commands assigned to us, I mistyped something and instead typed rn and what came up was the mother of all chat boards, which I later found out was called USENET, but which… Read More
History Hume’s Dialogues: A coloured edition 18 Mar 201212 Feb 2019 Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is one of the very best philosophical works ever written, as I was reminded this morning while seeking a passage. But it is not easily available in a decent format online. Sure, you can download a facsimile of the second edition (1779) from Archive.Org, and I… Read More
Biology Darwinism entry revised at SEP 19 Jan 2010 Jim Lennox, who is, among other things, the go-to guy on Aristotle’s biology (at least I went to him whenever I needed to grok some aspect of The Philosopher), is also a well-respected general historian of biological ideas. He has revised his “Darwinism” entry at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,… Read More
When you have as much blubber as I do, you don’t need to swim. My only worry is that a Japanese Whaler might mistake me for a Minke and do research on me.
I’ll alert the Norwegian whaling fleet to patrol the coasts of Germany and keep a look out for a Moby Gorilla!
Then we would have to do our best Inspector Clouseau impression and ask them if they “have a lahss-ense for that Minke?”
Well I study fairy stories so I suspect I am ok. (that remark was made under the belief that if he can swim he can’t swim that far can he?)
p.s No I am not. Some of the comments that popped up on the living traditions thread on Whewells came as a massive surprise to me. The noise that surrounds such subjects is not particularly encouraging for the type of approach I use.