A video for Pat Robertson 15 Jan 2010 [dailymotion id=x2v4rb] The Hives – Walk Idiot Walk by The-Hives Politics Race and politics Religion
Politics Equality is about protection, not love 20 Aug 201720 Aug 2017 Again and again I see the same-sex marriage (SSM) debate cast in terms of love. And while I agree that people should be free to love those they wish (if it is mutual, and freely given, and no minors are involved), that is not what the SSM debate is really… Read More
Evolution A schism in the Church of Dick 26 Feb 201018 Sep 2017 I know, it’s just schadenfreude on my part and it’s so very childish, but I can’t help it. The Church of Dick has undergone a schism, with the prophet anathematising previously loyal followers. But, and I state this for the record, it isn’t anything like a religious movement. Nope… Should… Read More
Censorship Oppose internet censorship 29 Mar 2010 The CIA tried (and presumably is still trying) to stop WikiLeaks. This is another reason why internet censorship has to be opposed. Read More
“Content not Available” in your country An editorial message that Pat Robertson has no content? Can’t argue with that. fusilier James 2:24
I’m assuming this is Haiti comments. The man is an evil, vile pile of rubbish. The only possible thing worse than being Pat Robertson is being one of his followers.
The Hives were pretty awesome back in the day; at least some good has come of Robertson’s comments. This song also expresses my feelings in regards: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYhQge4Mnoo Actually, it expresses my feelings towards all of the religious right quite succinctly.
I was so moved by Robertson and Limbaugh’s comments that I doubled my donation to relief efforts. When the Sith Lords speak, do the opposite.