70th Philosophers’ Carnival 2 Jun 20084 Oct 2017 The idea of philosophers having a carnival, literally a celebration of the flesh, is somehow fitting and faintly disturbing, but this time they had the good taste to refer to a post of mine. But thats not [entirely] why I mention it. The Uncredible Halq has an Introduction to Philosophy, which is well worth reading even if you know what philosophy is, which you don’t. Oh, and my definition? “Philosophy is what you argue about when facts don’t fix the conclusion.” Philosophy
Epistemology You and me, baby, ain’t nothing but mammals 7 Apr 2010 The song of the title of this post is a catchy and highly amusing piece that suggests that if we’re just mammals we should have sex. It’s sort of a low brow version of Andrew Marvell’s To his coy mistress. Instead of Time’s wingéd chariot, we should do what mammals… Read More
Greek Words Greek words used in classical philosophy 21 Feb 202225 Apr 2022 I prepared this for an undergraduate class last year. I’m putting it up under the Creative Commons license here for people to use. If you have any suggested terms to add, let me know. I’ll keep it up to date. Read More
Metaphysics Aware: A Matter of Perspective 22 Oct 202322 Oct 2023 The next installment.:So, what is the explanatory target with the mind’s consciousness? What is it we physicalists cannot explain that needs the feels to account for? What, exactly, is missing from any possible physical account? Read More
Can philosophy of science also include when the facts dont fix the problem…yet? Berkeley wouldnt have written the Dialogues, I think, if he know what we do now.